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Transaction and Cancellation Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 The transaction policy and cancellation chapter and the interpretation will be an integral part of the of the site regulation, This chapter has been separated under the the law of consumer protection regulations (cancellation of a transaction), 2010.

1.2 Transaction policy and cancellation are signed and accompanied by legal counsel and all relevant legal contents and the legal framework for this matter.

1.3 When using the Yifat Oved website at the address above, each user as defined declares that he has reviewed and read carefully and accurately and understood the content of the transaction and cancellation policy, since purchasing on the website and performing actions on it indicate the user's agreement to the terms.

1.4 "Transaction Policy": obligates the user and Yifat oved websiteat the above address regarding the purchase and cancellation of a transaction.

1.5 "Cancellation of a transaction": cancellation with the caveats listed according to the transaction and cancellation policy and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Regulations (cancellation of a transaction), 2010.

1.6 "Collection": Subscriber and / or user who violates the transaction policy and / or the laws of the State of Israel regarding the use of the website at the above address and / or the Consumer Protection Regulations (Transaction Cancellation), 2010 and cancellation and / or is not approved by the Credit clearing company In favor of the purchase registered in his name, his details will be forwarded to collection in Israel authorities for this matter, including the collection enforcement authority.

Cancelling a transaction In accordance with the provisions of subsection (c) or section 14c1(c);14(d)3,5 of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981 (hereinafter: "the Law"), the Yifat Oved website at its above address publishes the transaction cancellation policy:

2. Refund after purchase on Israeli soil

2.1 The consumer has the right to cancel the transaction for a non-special reason from the day the transaction was made and up to 14 days from the day of receiving the product or from the day of receiving a disclosure form, whichever is later, with a deduction of 5% or NIS 100, whichever is lower.

2.2 The obligation to send the cancellation in writing According to the law, the canceler (the Bayer) must send a transaction cancellation notice in writing. The cancellation notice can be sent to the email indicated on the invoice.

3. Cancellation of the deal "for a special reason" \ due to a defect in the product According to section 14(d) of the law, in the event of cancellation due to a defect proven by the buyer, cancellation fees and/or product delivery fees to the business (or any other expense) applicable to the seller will not be charged.

4. Cancellation of the transaction "for a special reason" \ incompatibility If the product delivered is different from the one ordered (mismatch), upon proof of the customer, no payment will be charged for canceling the transaction, transportation, or returning the product.

5. Canceling the deal "for a special reason" \ special population 5.1 According to Amendment No. 47 to the Law on Cancellation of a Distance Selling Transaction by consumers belonging to special populations.

5.2 By presenting a certificate to the website email and verifying a signature for populations: citizens over the age of 65, new immigrants, those with disabilities as defined in Law for people with disabilities only.

5.3 Cancellation of a transaction will be carried out no later than 4 months and provided that the transaction was made between the site and the consumer, including that the consumer must notify the cancellation of the transaction legally.

6. Cancellation of the transaction "for a special reason" \ international transaction

6.1 A transaction made within the USA - the transaction will include and cancellation of transportation components on the buyer except for a material defect in the product and up to 21 days from the day of purchase, for any other reason the product will be returned within the 14 days period minus 25%.

6.2 A transaction made within continental Europe - including countries that are not part of the European Union will be subject to the EU law cancellation of a transaction due to a defect in the product, the product will be returned minus the cost of transportation and for any other reason up to 14 days and a deduction of 25%.

6.3 Any other geographic area - shall be the Israeli policy in sections 1-5 excluding section 6 which singles out Israeli transactions only.

7. Unusual Failure to cancel a transaction If the product on the site was delivered after it was as a custom subject to a special design, the product will not be returned.

8. The proper forum The proper forum to discuss in accordance with the regulations which are an integral part of these instructions is the court in the Jerusalem district.

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